Schedule file: ftwztestwz.snp Page 1 Station: WETTZELL (Wz) (V) Session: FTWZTEST Tape motion: START&STOP Recorder type: DISK Rack: DBBC_DDC/Fila10g Recorder 1: FlexBuff Early start: 0 sec Mode 1 Setup proc(s): setupsx IFD proc: ifdsx Times are in the format hh:mm:ss Scan = scan_name command in .snp file Line# = line number in .snp file where this scan starts Dur = time interval of on-source data (Start Data to Stop Data) in mmm:ss Gbyte = Gigabytes at start of scan Info: Rec = start recording Start Stop Scan Line# Source Az El Cable Data Data Dur Gbyte Info date = 2024APR12 DOY = 103 103-1845 7 0458-020 245 18 NEUTR 18:45:00 18:48:00 3:00 0.0 Rec 103-1851 20 0602+673 326 61 CW 18:51:32 18:54:32 3:00 11.5 103-1855 34 0059+581 330 28 CW 18:55:36 18:58:36 3:00 23.0 Total Gbytes: 34.6 Total # scans: 3