Quality report: =============== Session: r11145 Antenna: wz Scheduled sources: 485 Operated sources: 485 Failed sources: 7 Successful sources: 478 - normal quality: 331 - reduced quality: 147 (ONSOURCE, TSYS, METEO) =============== List of scans and sources which failed: |---> r11145_wz_064-1702c(0552+398), r11145_wz_064-1704b(oj287), r11145_wz_064-1705b(1156+295), r11145_wz_064-1707(0615+820), r11145_wz_064-1710(0059+581), r11145_wz_064-1712b(2201+315), r11145_wz_064-1714a(0823+033), r11145_wz_064-1846(oj287), r11145_wz_065-1634b(1726+455) =============== List of scans and sources which might have reduced quality: |---> r11145_wz_064-1852b(0727-115), r11145_wz_064-1857a(3c274), r11145_wz_064-1859(1726+455), r11145_wz_064-1901(0646-306), r11145_wz_064-1916b(oj287), r11145_wz_064-1923(2229+695), r11145_wz_064-1940(oj287), r11145_wz_064-1943a(1156+295), r11145_wz_064-1945(2229+695), r11145_wz_064-1947(3c371), r11145_wz_064-1951b(0109+224), r11145_wz_064-2003(0605-085), r11145_wz_064-2009(1418+546), r11145_wz_064-2017b(2229+695), r11145_wz_064-2019(0615+820), r11145_wz_064-2028b(1124-186), r11145_wz_064-2030(oj287), r11145_wz_064-2032(0727-115), r11145_wz_064-2037b(0059+581), r11145_wz_064-2039(2229+695), r11145_wz_064-2128a(oj287), r11145_wz_064-2140a(0059+581), r11145_wz_064-2154b(1243-072), r11145_wz_064-2203(0800+618), r11145_wz_064-2207a(3c274), r11145_wz_064-2209a(1156+295), r11145_wz_064-2222b(2000+472), r11145_wz_064-2228(1334-127), r11145_wz_064-2231b(0748+126), r11145_wz_064-2237(0059+581), r11145_wz_064-2303(0615+820), r11145_wz_065-0046c(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-0051(0800+618), r11145_wz_065-0054a(ok290), r11145_wz_065-0102(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0113(1923+210), r11145_wz_065-0117a(1556-245), r11145_wz_065-0119c(1705+018), r11145_wz_065-0128a(0800+618), r11145_wz_065-0132a(2000+472), r11145_wz_065-0140(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0217a(0748+126), r11145_wz_065-0230(1334-127), r11145_wz_065-0232(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0239a(1936+046), r11145_wz_065-0246c(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-0250(0814+425), r11145_wz_065-0407(1556-245), r11145_wz_065-0409(2201+315), r11145_wz_065-0411(1705+018), r11145_wz_065-0418(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0429(1846+322), r11145_wz_065-0438b(1936+046), r11145_wz_065-0450b(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0452(0814+425), r11145_wz_065-0511(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0515(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-0518(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0520b(2229+695), r11145_wz_065-0532(2008-159), r11145_wz_065-0542b(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0553a(1923+210), r11145_wz_065-0559a(1334-127), r11145_wz_065-0617(3c371), r11145_wz_065-0618a(2201+315), r11145_wz_065-0643a(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0649b(3c274), r11145_wz_065-0652(1726+455), r11145_wz_065-0658b(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0711b(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-0714b(0955+476), r11145_wz_065-0716b(0613+570), r11145_wz_065-0718(0615+820), r11145_wz_065-0726(1324+224), r11145_wz_065-0729a(1726+455), r11145_wz_065-0731b(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-0736(0109+224), r11145_wz_065-0746(0613+570), r11145_wz_065-0751b(0013-005), r11145_wz_065-0802a(0109+224), r11145_wz_065-0805(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-0817b(2008-159), r11145_wz_065-0826(2201+315), r11145_wz_065-0839(0613+570), r11145_wz_065-0848a(3c371), r11145_wz_065-0854a(0109+224), r11145_wz_065-0914(0227+403), r11145_wz_065-0917(0119+041), r11145_wz_065-0924(0109+224), r11145_wz_065-0925b(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0926(0017+200), r11145_wz_065-0940a(0013-005), r11145_wz_065-0945a(1846+322), r11145_wz_065-0947(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-0951(1705+018), r11145_wz_065-0958(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-1004(0229+131), r11145_wz_065-1028a(0613+570), r11145_wz_065-1040b(0017+200), r11145_wz_065-1058(0119+041), r11145_wz_065-1100(0013-005), r11145_wz_065-1103(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-1105(1936+046), r11145_wz_065-1108b(1923+210), r11145_wz_065-1116a(2008-159), r11145_wz_065-1121c(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1134a(0615+820), r11145_wz_065-1137(1726+455), r11145_wz_065-1145(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1201a(3c371), r11145_wz_065-1206(1504+377), r11145_wz_065-1208(1749+096), r11145_wz_065-1220c(2059+034), r11145_wz_065-1236(0229+131), r11145_wz_065-1241(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1248c(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-1251(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-1254a(2229+695), r11145_wz_065-1327(0615+820), r11145_wz_065-1332a(1923+210), r11145_wz_065-1337(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1400(0013-005), r11145_wz_065-1428b(1726+455), r11145_wz_065-1432(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1438(1923+210), r11145_wz_065-1440b(0229+131), r11145_wz_065-1442(0013-005), r11145_wz_065-1453(0955+476), r11145_wz_065-1459b(1846+322), r11145_wz_065-1505(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-1509b(0823+033), r11145_wz_065-1515(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-1516(0814+425), r11145_wz_065-1519(ok290), r11145_wz_065-1523a(0229+131), r11145_wz_065-1529a(0605-085), r11145_wz_065-1533(0823+033), r11145_wz_065-1537(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-1540(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-1555(0748+126), r11145_wz_065-1612b(1418+546), r11145_wz_065-1624(0420-014), r11145_wz_065-1627(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-1641b(0800+618), r11145_wz_065-1652(0059+581), r11145_wz_065-1657b(0552+398), r11145_wz_065-1659(ok290) =============== Found errors (according to verbosity level 2): 2024.064.17:02:19.08?ERROR db -104 dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:02:28.10?ERROR db -104 dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:02:37.21?ERROR db -104($$$$) dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:02:37.21?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:02:47.26?ERROR db -104 dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:02:56.28?ERROR db -104 dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -104 dbbcn: time-out, connection closed 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.31?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:05.32?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:03:07.33?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:07.33?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:09.34?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:09.34?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.39?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.39?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.39?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:10.47?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:03:11.50?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:03:15.40?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:15.40?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:15.40?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:03:20.41?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:20.41?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:20.41?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:03:25.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:25.32?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:25.32?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:03:25.42?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:25.42?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:25.42?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:03:30.43?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:30.43?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:30.43?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:03:35.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:35.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:35.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:35.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:37.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:45.32?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:03:45.32?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:03:45.32?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:04:05.33?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:05.33?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:05.33?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:04:14.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:14.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:14.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:16.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:16.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:18.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:18.03?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.04?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.04?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:04:26.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:04:30.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:30.05?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:30.05?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:35.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:35.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:35.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:40.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:40.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:40.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:45.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:45.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:45.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:46.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:46.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:04:50.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:50.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:50.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:04:55.10?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:04:55.10?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:04:55.10?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:05:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:00.11?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:05:05.12?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:05.12?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:05.12?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:05:06.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:06.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:06.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:05:10.13?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:10.13?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:10.13?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:05:15.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:15.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:15.14?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:05:19.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:19.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:19.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:19.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:21.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:26.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:26.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:05:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:46.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:46.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:49.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:51.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:51.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:05:53.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:05:53.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.04?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.04?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:00.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:06:01.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:06:05.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:05.05?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:05.05?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:06.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:06.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:06.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:06:10.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:10.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:10.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:15.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:15.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:15.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:20.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:20.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:20.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:25.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:25.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:25.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:26.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:26.14?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:26.14?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:06:30.10?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:30.10?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:30.10?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:35.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:35.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:35.11?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:40.12?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:40.12?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:40.12?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:45.13?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:45.13?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:45.13?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:46.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:46.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:46.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:06:50.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:50.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:50.14?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:06:53.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:53.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:53.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:53.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:06:55.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:06.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:06.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:06.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:07:26.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:26.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:26.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:34.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:36.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:36.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:38.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:38.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.03?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.03?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:45.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:07:46.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:07:46.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:46.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:46.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:07:50.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:50.04?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:50.04?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:07:55.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:07:55.05?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:07:55.05?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:00.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:00.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:00.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:05.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:05.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:05.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:06.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:06.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:06.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:08:10.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:10.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:10.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:15.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:15.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:15.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:20.10?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:20.10?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:20.10?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:25.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:25.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:25.11?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:26.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:26.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:26.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:08:30.12?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:30.12?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:30.12?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:35.13?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:35.13?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:35.13?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:40.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:40.15?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:40.15?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:45.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:45.15?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:45.15?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:46.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:46.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:46.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:08:50.16?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:50.16?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:50.16?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:08:55.17?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:08:55.17?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:08:55.17?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:00.18?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:00.18?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:00.18?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:05.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:05.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:05.19?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:06.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:06.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:06.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:09:10.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:10.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:10.20?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:15.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:15.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:15.21?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:20.22?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:20.22?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:20.22?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:25.23?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:25.23?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:25.23?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:26.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:26.15?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:26.15?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:09:30.24?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:30.24?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:30.24?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:35.25?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:35.25?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:35.25?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:40.26?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:40.26?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:40.26?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:45.27?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:45.27?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:45.27?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:46.16?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:46.16?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:46.16?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:09:50.28?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:50.28?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:50.28?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:09:56.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:56.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:56.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:56.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:09:58.21?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:06.16?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:06.16?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:06.16?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:26.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:28.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:28.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:28.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:28.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:28.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:10:30.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:30.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.04?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.04?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:37.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:10:38.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:10:42.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:42.05?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:42.05?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:10:47.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:47.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:47.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:10:48.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:48.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:48.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:10:52.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:52.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:52.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:10:57.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:10:57.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:10:57.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:02.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:02.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:02.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:07.10?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:07.10?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:07.10?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:08.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:08.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:08.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:11:12.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:12.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:12.11?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:17.12?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:17.12?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:17.12?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:22.13?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:22.13?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:22.13?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:27.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:27.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:27.14?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:28.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:28.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:28.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:11:32.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:32.15?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:32.15?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:37.16?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:37.16?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:37.16?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:42.17?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:42.17?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:42.17?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:11:47.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:47.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:47.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:47.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:48.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:48.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:48.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:11:49.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:11:49.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:08.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:08.01?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:08.01?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:25.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:27.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:27.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:29.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:29.03?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:29.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:29.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:29.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:12:36.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.04?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.04?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:36.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:12:37.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:12:41.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:41.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:41.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:12:46.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:46.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:46.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:12:49.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:49.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:49.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:12:51.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:51.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:51.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:12:56.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:12:56.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:12:56.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:13:01.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:01.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:01.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:13:06.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:06.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:06.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:06.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:08.20?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:09.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:09.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:09.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:13:29.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:29.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:29.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:13:49.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:49.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:49.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:13:58.00?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:58.00?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:13:58.01?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:00.02?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:00.02?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:02.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:02.03?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:14:09.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.05?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.05?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:09.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR sc -10 setcl: failed too many times, couldn't check formatter time 2024.064.17:14:10.14?ERROR sc -15 setcl: Cannot determine NTP sync state 2024.064.17:14:14.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:14.06?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:14.06?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:19.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:19.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:19.07?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:24.08?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:24.08?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:24.08?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:29.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:29.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:29.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:14:29.09?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:29.09?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:29.09?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:34.10?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:34.10?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:34.10?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:39.11?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:39.11?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:39.11?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:44.12?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:44.12?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:44.12?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:49.03?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:49.03?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:49.03?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:14:49.13?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:49.13?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:49.13?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:54.14?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:54.14?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:54.14?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:14:59.15?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:14:59.15?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:14:59.15?ERROR cd -1 Error from DBBCN in TPICD, see above for error. 2024.064.17:15:01.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:01.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:01.07?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:01.07?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:03.19?ERROR db -23 dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:09.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:09.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:09.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:15:29.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:29.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:29.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:15:49.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:15:49.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:15:49.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:16:09.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:16:09.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:16:09.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:16:29.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:16:29.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:16:29.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:16:49.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:16:49.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:16:49.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:17:09.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:17:09.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:17:09.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:17:29.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:17:29.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:17:29.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:17:49.04?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:17:49.04?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:17:49.04?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:18:09.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:18:09.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:18:09.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:18:29.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:18:29.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:18:29.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:18:49.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:18:49.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:18:49.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:19:09.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:19:09.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:19:09.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:19:29.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:19:29.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:19:29.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:19:49.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:19:49.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:19:49.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:20:09.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:20:09.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:20:09.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:20:29.05?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:20:29.05?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:20:29.05?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:20:49.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:20:49.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:20:49.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:21:09.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:21:09.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:21:09.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:21:29.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:21:29.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:21:29.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:21:49.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:21:49.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:21:49.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:22:09.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:22:09.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:22:09.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:22:29.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:22:29.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:22:29.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.064.17:22:49.06?ERROR un 111 Connection refused 2024.064.17:22:49.06?ERROR db -23($$$$) dbbcn: error opening, dbbc probably not running, see above for error 2024.064.17:22:49.06?ERROR ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. 2024.065.16:34:27.27?ERROR sc -13 setcl: formatter to FS time difference 0.5 seconds or greater [ERROR] More scans observed than scheduled. ===============