<<<<< R1995 >>>>>                               
                                <<< IVS-R1995 >>>                               

DACH, Matthias Schartner(1), Christian Ploetz(2), 
(1) ETH Zurich, Switzerland
(2) Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany

Date of experiment: 2021,Apr,19
Nominal Start Time: 17h00 UT
Nominal End Time:   17h00 UT
Duration:           24.0 hr
Correlator:         BONN

Participating stations: (11)
HART15M     Ht 
KOKEE       Kk 
MATERA      Ma 
NOTO        Nt 
NYALE13S    Ns 
NYALES20    Ny 
ONSALA60    On 
SEJONG      Kv 
WETTZ13N    Wn 
YARRA12M    Yg 

scheduler: VieSched++ AUTO

 DACH                    oc.dach@bkg.bund.de           
 Matthias Schartner (1)  mschartner@ethz.ch            
 Christian Ploetz   (2)  christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de  

This is an automatically generated schedule
The template was generated by Matthias Schartner and Christian Ploetz
Station down times:
    KOKEE    2021.04.19 18:20:00 - 2021.04.19 19:40:00 
    WETTZELL 2021.04.19 18:20:00 - 2021.04.19 19:40:00 
Tagalong mode used:

Session Notes for session: R1995
 Experiment: R1995                        Description: IVS-R1995
 Scheduler:  NASA                         Correlator:  BONN
 Start:      2021-109-17:00:00            End:         2021-110-17:00:00
 Current yyyyddd:    2021109 (2021.30)  ( 59323 MJD, MON. 19APR.)
 Software:   VieSched++                   Version:     e24a63b
 GUI:        VieSched++                   Version:     cde98f5
 scheduler:  VieSched++ AUTO              mail:        oc.dach@bkg.bund.de
 First observations
 Observation listing from file r1995.skd for experiment R1995
 Source      Start      DURATIONS           
 name     yyddd-hhmmss   Ht  Kk  Ma  Nt  Ns  Ny  On  Kv  Wn  Wz  Yg  
 0814+425 21109-170000|  46      96  67 108 108 101 106  44  50    
 2008-159 21109-170000|     110                                 110
 Last observations
 1144+402 21110-165616|                 124                     124
 1908-201 21110-165623|      30                      30            
 0736+017 21110-165648|  51      39  37      43  43      66  66    
 0648-165 21110-165826|  94      94  94          94      94  94    
 0059+581 21110-165852|      68          68  68      68            
 Calibrator scans
 Observation listing from file r1995.skd for experiment R1995
 Source      Start      DURATIONS           
 name     yyddd-hhmmss   Ht  Kk  Ma  Nt  Ns  Ny  On  Kv  Wn  Wz  Yg  
 OJ287    21109-171000| 336     300 300 346 337 327     343 346    
 0059+581 21109-171930|     326 304 300 347 315 324 320 347 347    
 1144+402 21110-164000| 310     300 311 318 309 300 300 311 318 312
 OJ287    21110-164836| 348     312 300 358 349 339 300 355 358    
 Schedule was created using multi scheduling tool
    version 1840
    weight sky-coverage 0.183466
    weight number of observations 0.107894
    weight duration 0.608438
    weight idle time 0.100203
    station weight HART15M: 1.08581
    station weight KOKEE: 0.913445
    station weight MATERA: 0.949287
    station weight NOTO: 1.04362
    station weight NYALE13S: 1.01828
    station weight NYALES20: 0.987016
    station weight ONSALA60: 1.01248
    station weight SEJONG: 1.06631
    station weight WETTZ13N: 1.08447
    station weight WETTZELL: 0.80779
    station weight YARRA12M: 1.03149
 Key:     Ht=HART15M    Kk=KOKEE      Ma=MATERA     Nt=NOTO       Ns=NYALE13S   
          Ny=NYALES20   On=ONSALA60   Kv=SEJONG     Wn=WETTZ13N   Wz=WETTZELL   

                     Ht     Kk     Ma     Nt     Ns     Ny     On     Kv     Wn     Wz     Yg    Avg
 % obs. time:     59.17  53.64  50.90  39.86  67.70  55.45  56.99  64.54  61.94  54.29  67.52  57.45 
 % cal. time:      5.76   5.31   5.31   5.30   8.70   7.58   5.90   5.06  10.64   9.77   4.88   6.75 
 % slew time:     27.13  26.86  37.93  51.04   7.16  30.86  30.77  22.67  18.32  22.99  17.31  26.64 
 % idle time:      4.44  10.95   2.64   0.58  11.17   1.52   2.75   4.67   2.68   7.02   7.22   5.06 
 % field system:   3.46   3.19   3.19   3.18   5.22   4.55   3.54   3.03   6.38   5.86   2.93   4.05 
 total # scans:     501    463    462    461    755    658    513    440    922    849    424    586 
 # scans/hour:    20.88  19.29  19.25  19.21  31.46  27.42  21.38  18.33  38.42  35.38  17.67  24.42 
 total # obs:      2031   1653   2827   2868   3258   3190   3117   2038   3745   3536    997   2660 
 # obs/hour:      84.62  68.88 117.79 119.50 135.75 132.92 129.88  84.92 156.04 147.33  41.54 110.83 
 Avg scan (sec): 102.03 100.10  95.19  74.71  77.48  72.82  95.99 126.72  58.05  55.25 137.58  90.54 
 # Mk5 tracks:       16     16     16     16     16     16     16     16     16     16     16 
 Total TB(M5):     1.56   1.41   1.34   1.05   1.79   1.46   1.50   1.70   1.63   1.43   1.78   1.51 

  |  Ht   Kk   Ma   Nt   Ns   Ny   On   Kv   Wn   Wz   Yg  Total
Ht|        0  298  279  176  190  246  108  268  248  218    2031
Kk|           119  131  249  237  157  260  161  159  180    1653
Ma|                406  305  312  380  183  388  365   71    2827
Nt|                     314  327  385  187  398  372   69    2868
Ns|                          592  382  241  507  453   39    3258
Ny|                               401  237  438  411   45    3190
On|                                    217  464  425   60    3117
Kv|                                         217  205  183    2038
Wn|                                              835   69    3745
Wz|                                                    63    3536
Yg|                                                           997
 Number of  2-station scans:    802 ( 48.75 %)
 Number of  3-station scans:    263 ( 15.99 %)
 Number of  4-station scans:     90 (  5.47 %)
 Number of  5-station scans:     74 (  4.50 %)
 Number of  6-station scans:     53 (  3.22 %)
 Number of  7-station scans:     72 (  4.38 %)
 Number of  8-station scans:    135 (  8.21 %)
 Number of  9-station scans:    137 (  8.33 %)
 Number of 10-station scans:     19 (  1.16 %)
 Number of 11-station scans:      0 (  0.00 %)
Total number of scans:         1645
Total number of obs:          14630
Total integrated obs-time:  1106624
Average obs-time:              75.6
Recording mode:
Mode: 256-16(R1-R4)
    Freq: GEOSX
        Recording mode for: Ht Kk Ma Nt Ns Ny On Kv Wn Wz Yg
             Tot.Rate    Tot.BandW      Chan.BW   #BBC  #bits Tracks
           256 Mbit/s      128 MHz     8.00 MHz     14      1     16
        S-band spanned bw =   140.0 MHz     rms spanned bw =    55.8 MHz
        X-band spanned bw =   720.0 MHz     rms spanned bw =   314.3 MHz

                                                         ADDITONAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULER                                                         

number of scheduled observations: 14630 of 14745 -> 115 (0.78 [%]) observations not optimized for SNR
                 #scans     #obs   
 total             1645    14630  
 single source      943     3744  
 subnetting         702    10886  
 standard           739    12028  
 fillin mode        902     2457  
 calibrator           4      145  

weight factors: 
 sky coverage:           0.183466
 number of observations: 0.107894
 duration:               0.608438
 weight idle time:       0.100203
     idle time interval: 300

sky coverage score (1 means perfect distribution)
|                   |  HART15M     KOKEE    MATERA      NOTO  NYALE13S  NYALES20  ONSALA60    SEJONG  WETTZ13N  WETTZELL  YARRA12M | average  |
| 13 areas @ 30 min |     0.64      0.59      0.63      0.63      0.74      0.71      0.68      0.62      0.84      0.79      0.62 |     0.68 |
| 25 areas @ 30 min |     0.42      0.38      0.41      0.41      0.52      0.50      0.44      0.41      0.62      0.57      0.39 |     0.46 |
| 37 areas @ 30 min |     0.31      0.29      0.30      0.30      0.40      0.38      0.33      0.29      0.50      0.47      0.29 |     0.35 |
| 13 areas @ 60 min |     0.81      0.75      0.80      0.82      0.88      0.88      0.84      0.80      0.94      0.91      0.76 |     0.84 |
| 25 areas @ 60 min |     0.59      0.52      0.59      0.59      0.68      0.68      0.62      0.59      0.78      0.74      0.54 |     0.63 |
| 37 areas @ 60 min |     0.49      0.43      0.47      0.46      0.56      0.56      0.47      0.46      0.69      0.65      0.44 |     0.52 |

number of scans per 15 minutes:
#scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#'
|          time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes)                                             | #SCANS #OBS |   OBS Time [s] |
| STATION |0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  |             |   sum  average |
|  HART15M|666674566667457646455336356337446343534747466465664658685556557566776455556658455745754653546435|    501 2031 | 51119    102.0 |
|    KOKEE|764561    35864945637565673544464745864456645765755754753534445553444666455536554654655634655546|    463 1653 | 46344    100.1 |
|   MATERA|437655555646445634645545355547345535544666765645555546644354355556754554555455454553655555546444|    462 2827 | 43977     95.2 |
|     NOTO|427655555637445436745535456636355435554655756535464545754444355445564555554457645554656553546455|    461 2868 | 34440     74.7 |
| NYALE13S|667800770888796968A88989887996708896698788097866979788777976889887877990889799877989786898887865|    755 3258 | 58497     77.5 |
| NYALES20|567767778777676765890777786877776865777778785977869887756755677557766879774687785859786888866755|    658 3190 | 47913     72.8 |
| ONSALA60|452776766775655654657657554655466455656757766655555556444564357556554664565455475645655666646655|    513 3117 | 49243     96.0 |
|   SEJONG|763344273375554544527534453533443636444555645365755665555555344553443464545534453555656655546455|    440 2038 | 55759    126.7 |
| WETTZ13N|867AA088090A90008AA0090A909B099A0990090990A9999A99A90AAA80A98B09A00999A080AA09000090A90999890085|    922 3745 | 53520     58.0 |
| WETTZELL|858A01    4A89008AB80990899A99999990090990B7999A99A800AA80078A09A00089008AAA09009080B90999880075|    849 3536 | 46905     55.2 |
| YARRA12M|353363263375345544526435433433354543534445454365552753485546555473464445354637565464654653654435|    424  997 | 58335    137.6 |

number of available sources:   336
number of scheduled sources:    96
number of scans per 15 minutes:
#scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#'
|           time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes)                                             | #SCANS #OBS |   OBS Time [s] |
| SOURCE   |0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  |             |   sum  average |
| 0003-066 |              1  1 1   1  1       1            1      1  1   1 1  1 1 1  1  1  1  1 1           |     19   58 |  2095    110.3 |
| 0016+731 |    1 1  1  1  2  1  1  1  1   1   1 1  1 1 1  1 11 1  1 1  1   1  2 1 1   1  1 1  1   1   1 1  |     35  923 |  4188    119.7 |
| 0017+200 |  1       1                                                      1  1  1 1  1  1           1    |      9  198 |  1357    150.8 |
| 0048-427 |             1  1     1   1                                       1                             |      5    5 |   593    118.6 |
| 0059+581 | 11 1  1  1 11 2 1  111 1  1 1 11 111112  1 1  1 2  1 1  1  111 1 1  111  1   1 1 1 1 1  2 111 1|     53  607 |  3267     61.6 |
| 0104-408 |                       1    1   1 1   1   1  1                    1       1  1                  |     10   22 |  1622    162.2 |
| 0119+115 |                                                   1   1 11  1 1  1  11 12  1  1 1 1  1  1      |     18  205 |  1385     76.9 |
| 0133+476 |1 2 1  1  1    1   11 1 11 1      1  1    1             1  1 1  1  1 1  1     1 1  1 1  1 21  1 |     32  385 |  2495     78.0 |
| 0202+319 |  1 1 11 211 1  1 2 1  1 1  1   1  1   1 1   1  1 1  1  1     1 1   1 1  2 11  1 1 11 1  1 1  1 |     41  359 |  3466     84.5 |
| 0221+067 |                                                         1            1  1  2  2 1 1  1         |     10  122 |   695     69.5 |
| 0229+131 |    1                                               1    1   1   1  1   1   1    1 11 1   1     |     13  145 |  1013     77.9 |
| 0235+164 | 1  1      1        1  1     1   1           1    1  2 1 1   221 2  1 111  1   2 1  1 1 1 1 1   |     33  485 |  1956     59.3 |
| 0308-611 |                        1      1        1  1   1 1  1 1  1  1   1  1   1  1  1  1 1  1 1        |     19   19 |   943     49.6 |
| 0322+222 |    1  1  1 1  1 1  1                                                    1  1    1  1 1   1     |     13  155 |  1356    104.3 |
| 0332-403 |                        1     11 1  1  1 1       1 1   2   1    1  1         1    1             |     16   29 |   950     59.4 |
| NRAO150  |  1   1  111  1  1  11 11  112 1  1 1  1  1 1  1 1  1 1  1  1 1   1  2  1  1  1  1 1 2 111 1  1 |     43   63 |  1876     43.6 |
| 0402-362 |                                         1   1  1   1       1                1                  |      6   10 |   543     90.5 |
| 0405-385 |                                           1       1   2   1    1  1         1    1             |      9   18 |   738     82.0 |
| 0420-014 |   1                          1 1   1    1 1  1             1  1 1  1     11 1 1  1 2 1   1     |     20  188 |  2087    104.3 |
| 0454-234 |  2                            1 1  2 1  1 1  111  1    1  1  1 1    1    1  1 1   11 1     1   |     25  110 |  1146     45.8 |
| 0458-020 |  1   1   1                       1  1  1  1  1 1    1  1   1     1   1   2     1  1  1     1   |     20  124 |  1410     70.5 |
| 0529+483 |   1     1  1  1  2   1  1 1            1    1        1  1  1           1        1 1   1   1  1 |     20  282 |  2219    111.0 |
| 0530-727 |     1      1   1   1   1  1    1  1  1 1 1 1  1 1  1      1         1     1  1       1  1    1 |     22   22 |  6905    313.9 |
| 0537-286 |  1                              1   1                                                 1        |      4    6 |   248     62.0 |
| 0537-441 |                              1                    1  1   1  1       1     1 1                  |      8    8 |  1020    127.5 |
| 0552+398 |1 11 1  2 1 1 1  11  2  1 1  11  1  1   1      1  1 1     1    1      1 1  1 1  1  2 1  1 1  2  |     37  187 |  2016     54.5 |
| 0556+238 |              1  1  1 1  1                                                                1     |      6   47 |   579     96.5 |
| 0632-235 |  1                                                                     1                       |      2    9 |   316    158.0 |
| 0642+449 |   1 2  2 1  1   1 1  1  1 1     1   1            1   11    1              1  1  1 1 1  2 1  1  |     27  323 |  2028     75.1 |
| 0646-306 |  1                                    1  1 1    1                                          1   |      6   15 |   940    156.7 |
| 0648-165 |   1  1  1 1                                  1    1                            1   1  1    1  1|     11  108 |   802     72.9 |
| 0716+714 |                   1  1  1     1         1 1          1                                         |      7   44 |   502     71.7 |
| 0718+793 |      1             11  1   1 1  1    1    1 1                     1      1     1 2   1         |     16   73 |   855     53.4 |
| 0727-115 |   1  2  1 1   1                              1 1       11      1          1  21   1    1    1  |     18   70 |   758     42.1 |
| 0736+017 |1  1     1  1 1                                                                             1  1|      7   36 |   320     45.7 |
| 0748+126 | 1 1 1  1  1 11  1   1                          1                                         1  1 1|     13  195 |   883     67.9 |
| 0800+618 |                  1                1  1 1         1 1  1  1                                     |      8    8 |   395     49.4 |
| 0805+410 |1   1 1 1   1    1   1   1  1  1                                                            1   |     11  127 |   803     73.0 |
| 0814+425 |1 1  1  2  1  1 1  1 1   1  1  1 1  1   1   1  1     1   1  1  1  1   1   2   1  1 1 1  1  1 1  |     33  520 |  2809     85.1 |
| 0823+033 |   1   1 1 1  1 1  1    1                       1 1                        1     1           1  |     13   15 |   492     37.8 |
| 0834-201 |   1  1  1 11  1 1                                   1 1      1  1 1        1   1      1    1   |     16  115 |  2856    178.5 |
| OJ287    |1  1 1  2 12 111   1 2 1  1   1 1 1 1              1      1           1 1 1  1 1  1  1 1  1 1 11|     34  253 |  2743     80.7 |
| 0920-397 |  1        1 1                                1   1  1  1         1           1     1           |     10   17 |  1609    160.9 |
| 0955+476 |      1    1  1 1  1  11  1     1     1    1    1   1                                   1    1  |     15  160 |  1291     86.1 |
| 1039+811 |            1  1  1   1  1  1            11  1              1      1 1 1   1 11  1    1         |     18  249 |  1924    106.9 |
| 1040+244 |        1  1  1  1 1          1    1  1 1   1  1   1                                            |     12  171 |  1639    136.6 |
| 1053+815 |1  1     1                       1    1 1 1   111 1 1 1   1   1 1 1  1 1   1 1  1  1 1  1  1 11 |     28   28 |  1189     42.5 |
| 1057-797 | 1  1  1  1  1 1  1  1  1  1   1  1  1 1  1 1  1 1  1  1 1 1  1 1  1   1  1  1  1 1  1 1 1   1  |     34   34 |  5532    162.7 |
| 1059+282 |                   1   1        1       1       1 1        1                                    |      7   72 |   781    111.6 |
| 1128+385 |    1      1 1  1111  11  1 1  2  1   1 1 2  2 1  1 1  1  1           1   1   1        11   1  1|     32  237 |  1923     60.1 |
| 1144+402 |1   2  1   1 1  1 1    2  1  2 1  2  1  2 1  1  1  1  1   1 1  1      1   2  1  1 1  1  1  1  11|     38  545 |  2745     72.2 |
| 1144-379 | 1     1  1 11  1                                       1  1 1  1  1 1  1  1  1   1 1   1  1  1 |     20   34 |  1525     76.2 |
| 1149-084 |1      1 1  1    1 1     1   1                               1   1  1  1 1  1  1           1    |     16  149 |  2789    174.3 |
| 1213-172 |   1     1      1        1   1                                1  1     1 1                      |      9   27 |  1039    115.4 |
| 3C274    |              1  1 1   1  1 1   1 1  1             1         1                           1      |     12  230 |  1319    109.9 |
| 1244-255 |                          1  1                                1   1 1                           |      5   14 |   285     57.0 |
| 1255-316 |             1  1  1 1   1   1                                          1                1      |      8   10 |   383     47.9 |
| 1324+224 |                          1       1                1  1                                         |      4   60 |   537    134.2 |
| 1334-127 | 2  1  1   1        1  1  1  1 1   1                                1 1  1 1   1 1  1 1   1     |     20   97 |  1374     68.7 |
| 1406-076 |    1  1   1  1 1   1  1 1  1   1 1    1                               1 1  1                   |     15  164 |  1468     97.9 |
| 1418+546 |           1          1       1     1     1      1    1    1                 1                  |      9  145 |  1411    156.8 |
| 1424-418 | 1     1                  1  1                                                                  |      4    4 |   271     67.8 |
| 1451-375 |          1   11 1  1    1   1                                        1   1         1     1     |     11   27 |  1383    125.7 |
| 1519-273 |                 1  1 1  1   1  1 1                                      1                      |      8   10 |   456     57.0 |
| 1546+027 |1   1  1  21 2 1  113  1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1    1  1   1                       1 1 1 1  1   1    1|     33  241 |  1930     58.5 |
| 1606+106 |    1             1       1   1 1  1  1  1 1  1  1 1  1   1  1                                  |     15  171 |  1148     76.5 |
| 1639+230 |                                1      1 1    1  1    1    1   1    1 1        1                |     11  179 |  1908    173.5 |
| 1639-062 |1         2    1 1    1  1 1    1  1   1 1 1  1  1                               1  1      1    |     18  137 |  1230     68.3 |
| 1647-296 |   1                         1      1   1                                     1  1 1   1  1  1  |     10   23 |  1436    143.6 |
| 1657-261 |                          1                                                        1 1  1 1     |      5    5 |   755    151.0 |
| 1705+018 |                 1              1   1          1  1  1    1                                     |      7   47 |   450     64.3 |
| 1726+455 |  1                     1     1  1   1     2 1   1 11 1 1         1           1   1      1      |     17  282 |  2801    164.8 |
| 1741-038 |1   1      1  1     1111 1 1   1    2    1           1 1                              1   1    1|     19   75 |  1027     54.1 |
| 1746+470 |                                             1     1       1    1                               |      4   78 |   512    128.0 |
| 1749+096 | 1             1      1        1  2 1 11 1 1  3 1  1 1 1    1 1                  1 1  1    1    |     24  236 |  1466     61.1 |
| 1751+288 |   1  1  1 1   1  1   1    1  1  1  1 1  1 11 1 1  1 1   111  111 1  1 1  1  1 1  1 1  1    1   |     35  531 |  3713    106.1 |
| 1803+784 | 1  11 1  1 2  21 2 1  1   1  1  1 1 1  1 2 1  1 1  2 12 3 2  111 2  2 1  1  11 1 1 1  1 1  1 2 |     54  812 |  3416     63.3 |
| 3C371    |     1       1  1    1  1  1 1   1        21     1  1 1 1 1     1 1  1 1   2 1  1    1 1 1    1 |     28  653 |  3312    118.3 |
| 1908-201 |1                             1  1                1       1                                    1|      6    9 |   289     48.2 |
| 1921-293 | 1                                   1 1    1  1  1  1   1                                      |      8   21 |   453     56.6 |
| 1923+210 |                      1    1     2  1 1    1          1      1 11 1  1 1     1                  |     15   61 |   724     48.3 |
| 1936-155 |   1 1  1 1   1      1      1  1   1    1   1 1   1  1    1  1 1                            1   |     18   65 |  2605    144.7 |
| 1954-388 |  1      1        1  1      1                         1                                 1  1 1 1|     10   18 |  1829    182.9 |
| 1958-179 |      1                        1               1     1 1    1  1                             1  |      8   10 |   866    108.2 |
| 2000+472 | 1   1                      1        1 1 1    1 1  1 1  1  1 1  1 1 1   1  1 11 1 1    1        |     23  193 |  1870     81.3 |
| 2008-159 |1    1             1                1                 1      1    1                            1|      8   26 |  1227    153.4 |
| 3C418    | 1112     1 12 2  1 2 11 1 1  1 1  2 1 2  1 1 1 1 11 1  1  1 1111 1 1  1 1  1 1 1 1 11 1 2  11  |     53  553 |  2957     55.8 |
| 2113+293 |   1   1 1  1   1       1  1  1     1        1  1   1   1 1  1   1 2  1 11 11   1   1       1   |     26  176 |  2024     77.8 |
| 2144+092 |                                     1          1 2  1 111  1 11 1 1  111   1                   |     17  196 |  1116     65.6 |
| 2214+241 |1      1    1             11 1                  1      1      1        1                   1 1  |     12  117 |  1805    150.4 |
| 2215+150 |                                                        1       1  1     1  1                   |      5   71 |   532    106.4 |
| 3C446    |        1  1  1  1  1  1           1  1  1  1  1   1  1 1 1 1 1  11  1 1  1                     |     22  142 |  2037     92.6 |
| 2227-088 |        1                               1   1                  1 1 1    1                       |      7   21 |   559     79.9 |
| 2229+695 |     1            1     1   1               1          1                 1           1   1      |      9  136 |  1253    139.2 |
| 2255-282 |                                                1 1 1  1  1 1  1 111  1                         |     11   63 |   775     70.5 |
| 2318+049 |                                                             1   1  1     1                     |      4  105 |   561    140.2 |

Summary of observing mode(s):
    band  S mean frequency  2290.990 [MHz]
    band  X mean frequency  8590.990 [MHz]

    observing mode: 256-16(R1-R4):
        band:  S recording rate   96.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (55)
            Ht-Kk Ht-Ma Ht-Nt Ht-Ns Ht-Ny Ht-On Ht-Kv Ht-Wn Ht-Wz Ht-Yg Kk-Ma Kk-Nt Kk-Ns Kk-Ny Kk-On Kk-Kv Kk-Wn 
            Kk-Wz Kk-Yg Ma-Nt Ma-Ns Ma-Ny Ma-On Ma-Kv Ma-Wn Ma-Wz Ma-Yg Nt-Ns Nt-Ny Nt-On Nt-Kv Nt-Wn Nt-Wz Nt-Yg 
            Ns-Ny Ns-On Ns-Kv Ns-Wn Ns-Wz Ns-Yg Ny-On Ny-Kv Ny-Wn Ny-Wz Ny-Yg On-Kv On-Wn On-Wz On-Yg Kv-Wn Kv-Wz 
            Kv-Yg Wn-Wz Wn-Yg Wz-Yg 
        band:  X recording rate  160.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (55)
            Ht-Kk Ht-Ma Ht-Nt Ht-Ns Ht-Ny Ht-On Ht-Kv Ht-Wn Ht-Wz Ht-Yg Kk-Ma Kk-Nt Kk-Ns Kk-Ny Kk-On Kk-Kv Kk-Wn 
            Kk-Wz Kk-Yg Ma-Nt Ma-Ns Ma-Ny Ma-On Ma-Kv Ma-Wn Ma-Wz Ma-Yg Nt-Ns Nt-Ny Nt-On Nt-Kv Nt-Wn Nt-Wz Nt-Yg 
            Ns-Ny Ns-On Ns-Kv Ns-Wn Ns-Wz Ns-Yg Ny-On Ny-Kv Ny-Wn Ny-Wz Ny-Yg On-Kv On-Wn On-Wz On-Yg Kv-Wn Kv-Wz 
            Kv-Yg Wn-Wz Wn-Yg Wz-Yg 

average theoretical SNR for S-band per baseline:
|  HART15M |                  -     33.74     65.62     30.14     33.08     29.94     24.25     43.89     39.68     25.36 |    37.94 |
|    KOKEE |                        38.77     75.03     44.77     47.83     37.74     36.30     49.30     44.25     30.27 |    43.99 |
|   MATERA |                                  69.65     31.51     33.52     30.94     20.64     44.81     40.62     19.31 |    39.66 |
|     NOTO |                                            61.44     66.08     59.54     38.07     90.06     81.72     34.44 |    68.33 |
| NYALE13S |                                                      42.75     32.10     24.90     46.47     41.10     20.58 |    40.49 |
| NYALES20 |                                                                34.39     24.70     48.22     43.97     21.35 |    42.26 |
| ONSALA60 |                                                                          20.12     42.30     37.83     18.01 |    36.95 |
|   SEJONG |                                                                                    25.85     22.98     17.35 |    25.84 |
| WETTZ13N |                                                                                              65.41     22.97 |    53.15 |
| WETTZELL |                                                                                                        20.11 |    49.62 |
| YARRA12M |                                                                                                              |    23.67 |

average theoretical SNR for X-band per baseline:
|  HART15M |                  -     68.28     56.40     53.38     66.21     53.48     38.41     63.65     81.02     37.83 |    59.46 |
|    KOKEE |                        47.54     39.71     55.07     64.06     42.87     45.31     45.47     58.35     32.06 |    48.78 |
|   MATERA |                                  74.98     76.86     87.16     74.95     44.28     84.81    108.47     36.93 |    77.39 |
|     NOTO |                                            62.54     72.52     60.52     33.73     72.17     92.72     27.07 |    66.05 |
| NYALE13S |                                                     110.00     75.49     49.95     81.66    102.61     48.66 |    80.41 |
| NYALES20 |                                                                86.26     54.31     92.08    119.22     49.16 |    88.65 |
| ONSALA60 |                                                                          39.73     76.57     98.05     34.08 |    71.53 |
|   SEJONG |                                                                                    40.16     51.22     30.26 |    43.49 |
| WETTZ13N |                                                                                             127.63     36.43 |    85.73 |
| WETTZELL |                                                                                                        47.58 |   102.00 |
| YARRA12M |                                                                                                              |    35.82 |

scan observing durations:
scan duration:
  0- 49 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 50- 99 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
100-149 | +++++++++++++
150-199 | +++++++
200-249 | ++++
250-299 | ++
300-349 | ++
350-399 | 
400-449 | 
450-499 | 

scheduled scan length:
| S1-S2 |  min    10%    50%    90%    95%  97.5%    99%    max   |    sum  average |
|  ALL  |   30     31     65    184    244    301    320    468   | 147129     89.4 |
| Ht-Ma |   30     30     69    137    167    222    300    333   |  24133     81.0 |
| Kk-Ma |   30     30     92    172    198    227    234    304   |  11829     99.4 |
| Ht-Nt |   30     30     52    116    135    189    294    310   |  18447     66.1 |
| Kk-Nt |   30     30     73    151    186    191    207    300   |  11344     86.6 |
| Ma-Nt |   30     30     61    130    168    200    238    300   |  30011     73.9 |
| Ht-Ns |   30     45     79    140    160    174    310    348   |  15882     90.2 |
| Kk-Ns |   30     32     74    141    154    176    219    326   |  20125     80.8 |
| Ma-Ns |   30     33     79    144    169    196    235    312   |  26896     88.2 |
| Nt-Ns |   30     30     65    129    142    166    235    311   |  23376     74.4 |
| Ht-Ny |   30     36     68    136    161    193    309    348   |  15558     81.9 |
| Kk-Ny |   30     30     60    131    147    174    258    315   |  17413     73.5 |
| Ma-Ny |   30     30     67    129    146    174    233    312   |  23906     76.6 |
| Nt-Ny |   30     30     55    111    133    162    205    309   |  21931     67.1 |
| Ns-Ny |   30     31     57    121    142    158    174    349   |  41167     69.5 |
| Ht-On |   30     39     76    145    166    222    294    339   |  21785     88.6 |
| Kk-On |   30     30     91    163    200    232    264    324   |  15020     95.7 |
| Ma-On |   30     31     83    166    198    237    277    312   |  34991     92.1 |
| Nt-On |   30     30     63    126    154    200    294    300   |  28902     75.1 |
| Ns-On |   30     38     77    143    169    203    277    339   |  33181     86.9 |
| Ny-On |   30     31     62    134    154    184    261    339   |  30561     76.2 |
| Ht-Kv |   30     30     95    235    276    300    304    337   |  12826    118.8 |
| Kk-Kv |   30     30     82    228    254    294    304    320   |  27250    104.8 |
| Ma-Kv |   30     37    100    196    237    278    304    384   |  20058    109.6 |
| Nt-Kv |   30     30     79    145    200    212    300    327   |  16016     85.6 |
| Ns-Kv |   30     39     91    159    203    225    277    320   |  23248     96.5 |
| Ny-Kv |   30     32     78    142    180    227    266    315   |  20457     86.3 |
| On-Kv |   30     41    103    203    249    287    300    468   |  24499    112.9 |
| Ht-Wn |   30     31     55     97    122    133    167    348   |  17450     65.1 |
| Kk-Wn |   30     32     61    108    139    145    174    326   |  10859     67.4 |
| Ma-Wn |   30     30     53     97    126    145    167    312   |  24293     62.6 |
| Nt-Wn |   30     30     50     94    115    145    167    311   |  23332     58.6 |
| Ns-Wn |   30     32     58     95    122    133    167    355   |  32626     64.4 |
| Ny-Wn |   30     30     53     97    121    130    174    349   |  26604     60.7 |
| On-Wn |   30     31     55    102    126    145    174    339   |  29380     63.3 |
| Kv-Wn |   30     32     58    113    145    160    278    320   |  14932     68.8 |
| Ht-Wz |   30     30     55     89    108    128    158    348   |  15096     60.9 |
| Kk-Wz |   30     30     54    105    132    157    185    326   |  10076     63.4 |
| Ma-Wz |   30     30     50     95    108    138    170    312   |  21177     58.0 |
| Nt-Wz |   30     30     47     88    106    138    170    311   |  20774     55.8 |
| Ns-Wz |   30     30     54     89    106    129    157    358   |  27192     60.0 |
| Ny-Wz |   30     30     53     89    105    123    157    349   |  23604     57.4 |
| On-Wz |   30     30     51     96    109    138    158    339   |  24914     58.6 |
| Kv-Wz |   30     30     53    106    128    140    185    320   |  12985     63.3 |
| Wn-Wz |   30     30     48     80     94    115    140    355   |  44822     53.7 |
| Ht-Yg |   30     32     90    301    310    318    320    354   |  26163    120.0 |
| Kk-Yg |   30     36    101    236    265    298    301    387   |  22178    123.2 |
| Ma-Yg |   32     55     97    174    215    262    300    319   |   7637    107.6 |
| Nt-Yg |   30     30     64    122    154    165    189    311   |   5193     75.3 |
| Ns-Yg |   38     53    115    210    228    277    277    312   |   4974    127.5 |
| Ny-Yg |   30     36     91    174    187    227    273    309   |   4872    108.3 |
| On-Yg |   34     59    116    208    275    294    300    468   |   7753    129.2 |
| Kv-Yg |   30     38    136    298    301    322    383    468   |  28496    155.7 |
| Wn-Yg |   30     31     55    115    127    151    278    311   |   4696     68.1 |
| Wz-Yg |   30     31     51     83    108    125    125    312   |   3734     59.3 |

First Scans:
| scan:   no0000   (id: 3653626395)                                                                              duration: 17:00:00 - 17:01:48 |
| source: 0814+425 (id: 118)                                                                                      type: target subnetting scan |
|     station  | delay |  slew |  idle | preob |  obs  |       duration      |        az [deg]     |       unaz [deg]      |       el [deg]    |
|              |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |    start - end      |    start - end      |     start - end       |   start - end     |
|     HART15M  |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    46 | 17:00:00 - 17:00:46 | 355.4118 - 355.2597 |   -4.5882 -   -4.7403 | 21.5867 - 21.5726 | (id: 30173160770 and 30173160780) 
|     MATERA   |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    96 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:36 |  65.1626 -  63.5894 |  425.1626 -  423.5894 | 85.7593 - 86.0337 | (id: 30173160771 and 30173160781) 
|     NOTO     |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    67 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:07 |  42.2734 -  41.1784 |  402.2734 -  401.1784 | 82.3870 - 82.5360 | (id: 30173160772 and 30173160782) 
|     NYALE13S |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   108 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:48 | 167.5637 - 168.1196 |  167.5637 -  168.1196 | 53.1643 - 53.1825 | (id: 30173160773 and 30173160783) 
|     NYALES20 |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   108 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:48 | 167.5774 - 168.1335 |  527.5774 -  528.1335 | 53.1780 - 53.1963 | (id: 30173160774 and 30173160784) 
|     ONSALA60 |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   101 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:41 | 152.9182 - 153.9690 |  512.9182 -  513.9690 | 73.6434 - 73.7451 | (id: 30173160775 and 30173160785) 
|     SEJONG   |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   106 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:46 | 312.6979 - 312.9015 |  312.6979 -  312.9015 | 14.0595 - 13.7983 | (id: 30173160776 and 30173160786) 
|     WETTZ13N |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    44 | 17:00:00 - 17:00:44 | 133.9599 - 134.6152 |  133.9599 -  134.6152 | 80.7183 - 80.8044 | (id: 30173160777 and 30173160787) 
|     WETTZELL |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    50 | 17:00:00 - 17:00:50 | 133.9638 - 134.7093 |  493.9638 -  494.7093 | 80.7175 - 80.8152 | (id: 30173160778 and 30173160788) 
| scan:   no0001   (id: 3653626396)                                                                              duration: 17:00:00 - 17:01:50 |
| source: 2008-159 (id: 283)                                                                                      type: target subnetting scan |
|     KOKEE    |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   110 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:50 | 180.3699 - 181.0909 |  540.3699 -  541.0909 | 52.1572 - 52.1517 | (id: 30173160789 and 30173160792) 
|     YARRA12M |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |   110 | 17:00:00 - 17:01:50 | 101.4442 - 101.2382 |  461.4442 -  461.2382 | 12.0322 - 12.4262 | (id: 30173160790 and 30173160793) 
| scan:   no0002   (id: 3653626811)                                                                              duration: 17:01:13 - 17:02:02 |
| source: 0805+410 (id: 116)                                                                              type: fillin mode single source scan |
|     HART15M  |     6 |    11 |     2 |    10 |    44 | 17:01:13 - 17:01:57 | 353.1012 - 352.9519 |   -6.8988 -   -7.0481 | 22.8350 - 22.8149 | (id: 30173163879 and 30173176647) 
|     WETTZ13N |     6 |    13 |     0 |    10 |    49 | 17:01:13 - 17:02:02 | 149.1675 - 150.0176 |  149.1675 -  150.0176 | 80.5339 - 80.6017 | (id: 30173163891 and 30173176658) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |     8 |     2 |    10 |    49 | 17:01:13 - 17:02:02 | 149.1699 - 150.0199 |  509.1699 -  510.0199 | 80.5329 - 80.6006 | (id: 30173163893 and 30173176672) 

Last Scans:
| scan:   no1642   (id: 3654474933)                                                                              duration: 16:56:48 - 16:57:54 |
| source: 0736+017 (id: 106)                                                                                      type: target subnetting scan |
|     HART15M  |     6 |    19 |    11 |    10 |    51 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:39 | 328.5524 - 328.1926 |  -31.4476 -  -31.8074 | 58.5883 - 58.4878 | (id: 30182711355 and 30182711362) 
|     MATERA   |     6 |    39 |    10 |    10 |    39 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:27 | 187.5911 - 187.8468 |  547.5911 -  547.8468 | 50.6766 - 50.6600 | (id: 30182711356 and 30182711363) 
|     NOTO     |     6 |    27 |    34 |    10 |    37 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:25 | 185.3323 - 185.5981 |  545.3323 -  545.5981 | 54.5766 - 54.5648 | (id: 30182711357 and 30182711364) 
|     NYALES20 |     6 |    15 |    37 |    10 |    43 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:31 | 179.9688 - 180.1529 |  539.9688 -  540.1529 | 12.6385 - 12.6385 | (id: 30182711358 and 30182711365) 
|     ONSALA60 |     6 |    30 |     0 |    10 |    43 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:31 | 180.0316 - 180.2487 |  540.0316 -  540.2487 | 34.1718 - 34.1716 | (id: 30182711359 and 30182711366) 
|     WETTZ13N |     6 |    12 |    49 |    10 |    66 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:54 | 181.3237 - 181.6970 |  181.3237 -  181.6970 | 42.4163 - 42.4116 | (id: 30182711360 and 30182711367) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    10 |    51 |    10 |    66 | 16:56:48 - 16:57:54 | 181.3233 - 181.6966 |  541.3233 -  541.6966 | 42.4152 - 42.4105 | (id: 30182711361 and 30182711368) 
| scan:   no1643   (id: 3654475730)                                                                              duration: 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 |
| source: 0648-165 (id: 96)                                                                                    type: target single source scan |
|     HART15M  |     6 |    31 |     8 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 283.5404 - 283.2163 |  -76.4596 -  -76.7837 | 61.9969 - 61.6531 | (id: 30182717921 and 30182728795) 
|     MATERA   |     6 |    43 |     3 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 199.4915 - 199.9118 |  559.4915 -  559.9118 | 30.4387 - 30.3383 | (id: 30182717930 and 30182728804) 
|     NOTO     |     6 |    45 |     7 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 198.3915 - 198.8310 |  558.3915 -  558.8310 | 34.4417 - 34.3414 | (id: 30182717934 and 30182728811) 
|     ONSALA60 |     6 |    39 |     0 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 192.6031 - 192.9900 |  552.6031 -  552.9900 | 15.1974 - 15.1506 | (id: 30182717949 and 30182728816) 
|     WETTZ13N |     6 |    13 |    39 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 194.2260 - 194.6290 |  194.2260 -  194.6290 | 23.0933 - 23.0293 | (id: 30182717957 and 30182728824) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    16 |    36 |    10 |    94 | 16:58:26 - 17:00:00 | 194.2256 - 194.6286 |  554.2256 -  554.6286 | 23.0923 - 23.0283 | (id: 30182717963 and 30182728830) 
| scan:   no1644   (id: 3654477748)                                                                              duration: 16:58:52 - 17:00:00 |
| source: 0059+581 (id: 12)                                                                                    type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |   103 |     0 |    10 |    68 | 16:58:52 - 17:00:00 |  34.2627 -  34.2532 |  394.2627 -  394.2532 | 28.1059 - 28.2541 | (id: 30182739379 and 30182744871) 
|     NYALE13S |     6 |    16 |    82 |    10 |    68 | 16:58:52 - 17:00:00 | 295.7813 - 296.0260 |  -64.2187 -  -63.9740 | 55.1126 - 55.0636 | (id: 30182739396 and 30182744877) 
|     NYALES20 |     6 |    65 |    13 |    10 |    68 | 16:58:52 - 17:00:00 | 295.8110 - 296.0557 |  655.8110 -  656.0557 | 55.1043 - 55.0552 | (id: 30182739401 and 30182744887) 
|     SEJONG   |     6 |    48 |    55 |    10 |    68 | 16:58:52 - 17:00:00 |  17.6866 -  17.8194 |   17.6866 -   17.8194 |  9.4253 -  9.4949 | (id: 30182739410 and 30182744898) 

| sun position:        | earth velocity:   |
| RA:   01h 51m 15.64s | x:    14433 [m/s] |
| DEC: +11° 26' 06.15" | y:   -23764 [m/s] |
|                      | z:   -10302 [m/s] |

| earth nutation:                                                    |
|         time        |        X              Y              S       |
| 2021.04.19 17:00:00 |  +2.036058e-03  +9.449998e-06  -2.092881e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 18:00:00 |  +2.036073e-03  +9.453387e-06  -2.093219e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 19:00:00 |  +2.036089e-03  +9.456918e-06  -2.093571e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 20:00:00 |  +2.036104e-03  +9.460589e-06  -2.093938e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 21:00:00 |  +2.036120e-03  +9.464400e-06  -2.094319e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 22:00:00 |  +2.036135e-03  +9.468348e-06  -2.094713e-08 |
| 2021.04.19 23:00:00 |  +2.036150e-03  +9.472434e-06  -2.095122e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 00:00:00 |  +2.036166e-03  +9.476655e-06  -2.095545e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 01:00:00 |  +2.036181e-03  +9.481011e-06  -2.095982e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 02:00:00 |  +2.036196e-03  +9.485499e-06  -2.096432e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 03:00:00 |  +2.036211e-03  +9.490119e-06  -2.096896e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 04:00:00 |  +2.036226e-03  +9.494868e-06  -2.097373e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 05:00:00 |  +2.036240e-03  +9.499746e-06  -2.097863e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 06:00:00 |  +2.036255e-03  +9.504750e-06  -2.098366e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 07:00:00 |  +2.036270e-03  +9.509880e-06  -2.098882e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 08:00:00 |  +2.036284e-03  +9.515132e-06  -2.099410e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 09:00:00 |  +2.036298e-03  +9.520506e-06  -2.099951e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 10:00:00 |  +2.036313e-03  +9.525999e-06  -2.100504e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 11:00:00 |  +2.036327e-03  +9.531610e-06  -2.101070e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 12:00:00 |  +2.036341e-03  +9.537337e-06  -2.101647e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 13:00:00 |  +2.036355e-03  +9.543178e-06  -2.102236e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 14:00:00 |  +2.036369e-03  +9.549130e-06  -2.102836e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 15:00:00 |  +2.036383e-03  +9.555192e-06  -2.103448e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 16:00:00 |  +2.036396e-03  +9.561361e-06  -2.104070e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 17:00:00 |  +2.036410e-03  +9.567636e-06  -2.104704e-08 |
| 2021.04.20 18:00:00 |  +2.036423e-03  +9.574014e-06  -2.105348e-08 |

                                                              FULL SCHEDULING SETUP                                                             
Can be used to recreate schedule:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<name>VieSched++ GUI</name>
		<time>2021.04.07 06:14:43</time>
		<name>VieSched++ AUTO</name>
		<startTime>2021.04.19 17:00:00</startTime>
		<endTime>2021.04.20 17:00:00</endTime>
				<name>Matthias Schartner</name>
				<affiliation>ETH Zurich, Switzerland</affiliation>
				<name>Christian Ploetz</name>
				<affiliation>Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany</affiliation>
		<notes>This is an automatically generated schedule\nThe template was generated by Matthias Schartner and Christian Ploetz</notes>
				<start>2021.04.19 18:20:00</start>
				<end>2021.04.19 19:40:00</end>
				<start>2021.04.19 18:20:00</start>
				<end>2021.04.19 19:40:00</end>
			<parameter name="default">
			<parameter name="down">
			<parameter name="tagalong">
			<cableWrapBuffer member="__all__">
			<parameter name="default">
			<parameter name="default">
		<station_weight member="__all__">
			<bandPolicy name="X">
			<bandPolicy name="S">
		<station name="__all__">
		<station name="__all__">
		<variable name="#obs">0.75</variable>
		<variable name="XPO">0.10000000000000001</variable>
		<variable name="YPO">0.10000000000000001</variable>
		<variable name="dUT1">0.29999999999999999</variable>
		<variable name="NUTX">0.29999999999999999</variable>
		<variable name="NUTY">0.29999999999999999</variable>
		<variable name="HART15M">0.059999999999999998</variable>
		<variable name="KOKEE">0.059999999999999998</variable>
		<variable name="NYALES20">0.059999999999999998</variable>
		<variable name="WETTZ13N">0.059999999999999998</variable>
		<variable name="YARRA12M">0.059999999999999998</variable>
		<variable name="SEJONG">0.0</variable>
		<variable name="MATERA">0.0</variable>
		<variable name="NYALE13S">0.0</variable>
		<variable name="NOTO">0.0</variable>
		<variable name="ONSALA60">0.0</variable>
		<variable name="WETTZELL">0.0</variable>