<<<<< I21062 >>>>>                               
                                <<< IN121-062 >>>                               

Matthias Schartner(1), Christian Ploetz(2), 
(1) Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
(2) Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany

Date of experiment: 2021,Mar,03
Nominal Start Time: 18h30 UT
Nominal End Time:   19h30 UT
Duration:           1.0 hr
Correlator:         WASH

Participating stations: (2)
KOKEE       Kk 

scheduler: matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at

 Matthias Schartner (1)  matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at  +43 (1) 58801 - 128 11
 Christian Ploetz   (2)  christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de         

This is an automatically generated schedule generated with VieSched++
The template was generated by Christian Ploetz and Matthias Schartner. 
Session duration is 1 hour.
Station down times:
Tagalong mode used:

Session Notes for session: I21062
 Experiment: I21062                       Description: IN121-062
 Scheduler:  USNO                         Correlator:  WASH
 Start:      2021-062-18:30:00            End:         2021-062-19:30:00
 Current yyyyddd:    2021062 (2021.17)  ( 59276 MJD, WED.  3MAR.)
 Software:   VieSched++                   Version:     75c8e4c
 GUI:        VieSched++                   Version:     8e97028
 scheduler:  matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at  mail:        unknown
 First observations
 Observation listing from file i21062.skd for experiment I21062
 Source      Start      DURATIONS           
 name     yyddd-hhmmss   Kk  Wz  
 3C418    21062-183000|  30  30
 Last observations
 0202+319 21062-192842|  78  78
 Schedule was created using multi scheduling tool
    version 209
    weight sky-coverage 0.4
    weight duration 0.6
 Key:     Kk=KOKEE      Wz=WETTZELL   

                     Kk     Wz    Avg
 % obs. time:     54.61  54.61  54.61 
 % cal. time:      9.17   9.17   9.17 
 % slew time:     30.72  17.17  23.94 
 % idle time:      0.00  13.56   6.78 
 % field system:   5.50   5.50   5.50 
 total # scans:      34     34     34 
 # scans/hour:    34.00  34.00  34.00 
 total # obs:        34     34     34 
 # obs/hour:      34.00  34.00  34.00 
 Avg scan (sec):  57.82  57.82  57.82 
 # Mk5 tracks:       16     16 
 Total TB(M5):     0.03   0.03   0.03 

  |  Kk   Wz  Total
Kk|       34      34
Wz|               34
 Number of  2-station scans:     34 (100.00 %)
Total number of scans:           34
Total number of obs:             34
Total integrated obs-time:     1966
Average obs-time:              57.8
Recording mode:
Mode: 128-16(INT)
    Freq: NEOS-WB
        Recording mode for: Kk Wz
             Tot.Rate    Tot.BandW      Chan.BW   #BBC  #bits Tracks
           128 Mbit/s       64 MHz     4.00 MHz     14      1     16
        S-band spanned bw =   110.0 MHz     rms spanned bw =    47.9 MHz
        X-band spanned bw =   680.0 MHz     rms spanned bw =   287.7 MHz

                                                         ADDITONAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULER                                                         

                 #scans     #obs   
 total               34       34  
 single source       34       34  
 subnetting           0        0  
 standard            34       34  
 fillin mode          0        0  

weight factors: 
 sky coverage:           0.4
 duration:               0.6

sky coverage score (1 means perfect distribution)
|                   |    KOKEE  WETTZELL | average  |
| 13 areas @ 30 min |     0.46      0.46 |     0.46 |
| 25 areas @ 30 min |     0.32      0.31 |     0.32 |
| 37 areas @ 30 min |     0.26      0.26 |     0.26 |
| 13 areas @ 60 min |     0.50      0.54 |     0.52 |
| 25 areas @ 60 min |     0.36      0.36 |     0.36 |
| 37 areas @ 60 min |     0.31      0.30 |     0.30 |

number of scans per 15 minutes:
#scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#'
|          time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes)                                             | #SCANS #OBS |   OBS Time [s] |
| STATION |0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  |             |   sum  average |
|    KOKEE|9997                                                                                            |     34   34 |  1966     57.8 |
| WETTZELL|9997                                                                                            |     34   34 |  1966     57.8 |

number of available sources:   336
number of scheduled sources:   14
number of scans per 15 minutes:
#scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#'
|          time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes)                                             | #SCANS #OBS |   OBS Time [s] |
|  SOURCE |0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  |             |   sum  average |
| 0016+731|1 11                                                                                            |      3    3 |   208     69.3 |
| 0025+197|11 1                                                                                            |      3    3 |   213     71.0 |
| 0059+581|111                                                                                             |      3    3 |    90     30.0 |
| 0133+476|11 1                                                                                            |      3    3 |   137     45.7 |
| 0202+319|   1                                                                                            |      1    1 |    78     78.0 |
| 1039+811|111                                                                                             |      3    3 |   129     43.0 |
| 1324+224|  1                                                                                             |      1    1 |   118    118.0 |
| 1418+546|1  1                                                                                            |      2    2 |   201    100.5 |
| 1726+455|1 1                                                                                             |      2    2 |   190     95.0 |
| 1803+784|111                                                                                             |      3    3 |    90     30.0 |
|    3C371| 111                                                                                            |      3    3 |    96     32.0 |
| 2000+472| 11                                                                                             |      2    2 |   146     73.0 |
|    3C418|111                                                                                             |      3    3 |    90     30.0 |
| 2229+695| 1 1                                                                                            |      2    2 |   180     90.0 |

Summary of observing mode(s):
    band  S mean frequency  2272.157 [MHz]
    band  X mean frequency  8560.990 [MHz]

    observing mode: 128-16(INT):
        band:  S recording rate   48.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (1)
        band:  X recording rate   80.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (1)

average theoretical SNR for S-band per baseline:
|    KOKEE |              26.85 |    26.85 |
| WETTZELL |                    |    26.85 |

average theoretical SNR for X-band per baseline:
|    KOKEE |              36.98 |    36.98 |
| WETTZELL |                    |    36.98 |

scan observing durations:
scan duration:
  0- 19 | 
 20- 39 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 40- 59 | ++++++++++++++++++
 60- 79 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 80- 99 | +++++++++++++++
100-119 | ++++++

scheduled scan length:
| S1-S2 |  min    10%    50%    90%    95%  97.5%    99%    max   |    sum  average |
|  ALL  |   30     30     45     94    100    101    101    118   |   1966     57.8 |
| Kk-Wz |   30     30     45     94    100    101    101    118   |   1966     57.8 |

First Scans:
| scan:   no0000   (id: 255)                                                                                     duration: 18:30:00 - 18:30:30 |
| Source:    3C418 (id: 286)                                                                                   type: target single source scan |
|     station  | delay |  slew |  idle | preob |  obs  |       duration      |        az [deg]     |       unaz [deg]      |       el [deg]    |
|              |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |  [s]  |    start - end      |    start - end      |     start - end       |   start - end     |
|     KOKEE    |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    30 | 18:30:00 - 18:30:30 |  31.0932 -  31.0104 |  391.0932 -  391.0104 | 52.5450 - 52.6049 | (id: 59290 and 59718) 
|     WETTZELL |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |    30 | 18:30:00 - 18:30:30 | 336.6801 - 336.7539 |  696.6801 -  696.7539 | 15.5427 - 15.5103 | (id: 59291 and 59722) 
| scan:   no0001   (id: 439)                                                                                     duration: 18:31:16 - 18:31:46 |
| Source: 0059+581 (id: 12)                                                                                    type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |    30 |     0 |    10 |    30 | 18:31:16 - 18:31:46 |  32.6360 -  32.6558 |  392.6360 -  392.6558 | 15.6530 - 15.7156 | (id: 61491 and 62807) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    23 |     7 |    10 |    30 | 18:31:16 - 18:31:46 | 312.5022 - 312.5387 |  672.5022 -  672.5387 | 46.4772 - 46.4167 | (id: 61494 and 62815) 
| scan:   no0002   (id: 778)                                                                                     duration: 18:32:34 - 18:33:04 |
| Source: 1803+784 (id: 260)                                                                                   type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |    32 |     0 |    10 |    30 | 18:32:34 - 18:33:04 | 357.5320 - 357.5026 |  357.5320 -  357.5026 | 33.4578 - 33.4528 | (id: 65796 and 65978) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    16 |    16 |    10 |    30 | 18:32:34 - 18:33:04 |   0.7295 -   0.7611 |  720.7295 -  720.7611 | 37.6188 - 37.6198 | (id: 65797 and 65982) 

Last Scans:
| scan:   no0031   (id: 25963)                                                                                   duration: 19:24:38 - 19:26:19 |
| Source: 1418+546 (id: 198)                                                                                   type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |    75 |     0 |    10 |   101 | 19:24:38 - 19:26:19 | 321.0610 - 321.0813 |  321.0610 -  321.0813 | 24.6341 - 24.3885 | (id: 255309 and 260624) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    31 |    44 |    10 |   101 | 19:24:38 - 19:26:19 |  39.1338 -  39.3330 |  759.1338 -  759.3330 | 29.2036 - 29.3782 | (id: 255313 and 260678) 
| scan:   no0032   (id: 26797)                                                                                   duration: 19:27:04 - 19:27:36 |
| Source:    3C371 (id: 262)                                                                                   type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |    29 |     0 |    10 |    32 | 19:27:04 - 19:27:36 | 350.1184 - 350.0646 |  350.1184 -  350.0646 | 40.4905 - 40.4692 | (id: 264149 and 268664) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    12 |    17 |    10 |    32 | 19:27:04 - 19:27:36 |   5.7985 -   5.8505 |  725.7985 -  725.8505 | 29.4565 - 29.4654 | (id: 264153 and 268690) 
| scan:   no0033   (id: 27321)                                                                                   duration: 19:28:42 - 19:30:00 |
| Source: 0202+319 (id: 24)                                                                                    type: target single source scan |
|     KOKEE    |     6 |    50 |     0 |    10 |    78 | 19:28:42 - 19:30:00 |  57.4370 -  57.5427 |  417.4370 -  417.5427 |  5.8660 -  6.1206 | (id: 269749 and 275453) 
|     WETTZELL |     6 |    24 |    26 |    10 |    78 | 19:28:42 - 19:30:00 | 282.8913 - 283.1068 |  642.8913 -  643.1068 | 33.0133 - 32.8056 | (id: 269750 and 275495) 

| sun position:        | earth velocity:   |
| RA:   22h 58m 53.85s | x:    -9149 [m/s] |
| DEC: -06° 30' 55.20" | y:   -26260 [m/s] |
|                      | z:   -11382 [m/s] |

| earth nutation:                                                    |
|         time        |        X              Y              S       |
| 2021.03.03 18:30:00 |  +2.026100e-03  +9.216399e-06  -2.074167e-08 |
| 2021.03.03 19:30:00 |  +2.026107e-03  +9.209424e-06  -2.073457e-08 |
| 2021.03.03 20:30:00 |  +2.026115e-03  +9.202394e-06  -2.072741e-08 |

                                                              FULL SCHEDULING SETUP                                                             
Can be used to recreate schedule:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<name>VieSched++ GUI</name>
		<time>2021.02.18 03:00:07</time>
		<startTime>2021.03.03 18:30:00</startTime>
		<endTime>2021.03.03 19:30:00</endTime>
				<name>Matthias Schartner</name>
				<phone>+43 (1) 58801 - 128 11</phone>
				<affiliation>Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria</affiliation>
				<name>Christian Ploetz</name>
				<affiliation>Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany</affiliation>
		<notes>This is an automatically generated schedule generated with VieSched++\nThe template was generated by Christian Ploetz and Matthias Schartner. \nSession duration is 1 hour.</notes>
			<parameter name="default">
			<parameter name="down">
			<parameter name="tagalong">
			<cableWrapBuffer member="__all__">
			<parameter name="default">
			<parameter name="default">
			<bandPolicy name="X">
			<bandPolicy name="S">
		<station name="__all__">
		<station name="__all__">
		<variable name="#obs">1</variable>
		<variable name="XPO">0</variable>
		<variable name="YPO">0</variable>
		<variable name="dUT1">1</variable>
		<variable name="NUTX">0</variable>
		<variable name="NUTY">0</variable>
		<variable name="KOKEE">0</variable>
		<variable name="WETTZELL">0</variable>